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2016 - Personal Choice for WebApp Development

Fri, Sep 23, 2016

Just a snapshot of what I use for effective & fun JS Webdevelopment right now with some overall description of application design and the libs & tools used.

tl;dr [ React + Baobab + RxJS + RxJS - Observable Sequenceses + Webpack + Babel + Stateless & Pure Functional Components + React utility belt of Higher Order Components - Recompose + superagent - ajax with less suck + markdown-to-react-components + chimp test framework + chimp with cucumber scenarios + yasmine unit tests + cucumberjs-json-api-mocking + emacs web-mode ]

JS webapp development has become really fun for me since I finally learned React. What I do ever since is build UI centric Applications around a preferably immutable state. I tried Redux but found it to be overhead for the small applications I developed. So I mostly stick with the Baobab immutable data tree that I serve as a RxJS Observable Sequence, a stream that flows through the application from (abstraction) top to bottom.

Development, Processing & Bundling with Webpack

The by far handiest js build system and dev server I’ve encountered is Webpack. I use it with the Babel transpiler to polyfill ES6 syntax (({a, b}) => ({a,...b})) with Reacts JSX <MyFunkyComponent/> as well as preprocess and deliver css, fonts and assets bundled inside that same minified js file. Basically everything is available through the import (@import for styles) or require syntax. I love it so much! Node Package Manager is used to install everything I need. And docker hosts the whole js dev environment.

UI & Templating with Stateless Functional Components

Templates as Pure Function Components

const PostsTemplate = ({posts, page, setPage}) => (
	/* Navigation */
	  (_, index) => (
		<a onClick={() => setPage(index)}>
	/* Posts Carousel */
	  (post, index) => (
		<Slide className={index == page ? 'active' : 'hidden'}>
		  <PostTemplate post={post} />

Higher Order Component to Decorate Template with State Stream Derived Data

const OnPostsFromStateRefresh = recompose.compose(
	() => stateStream.distinctUntilChanged(
	  /* wait until (posts or page) change
		 ignore rest of the states updates */
	  (state) => [
		  state.get('posts'), state.get('page')
  /* extract what we need to render the
	 PostsTemplate */
	(state) => ({
	  posts: state.get('posts'),
	  page: state.get('page'),
	  /* here we take a cursor
		 and pass its set function */
	  setPage: state.select('page').set

Combine Template and Higher Order Component

module.exports = OnPostsFromStateRefresh(PostsTemplate);

I create hierarchical React components to layout the ui. React can express all of the ui’s logic and depends on the state for the data to display. The state or relevant-sections of it gets passed down the component hierarchy from the abstractest <App>...</App component down to the last <button onClick={..}>...</button> that directly renders to the button dom element. I don’t use ES6 Classes to express components, but instead define the as stateless & pure functions that take properties (including state) and return virtual dom nodes. By nesting Pure Functional Components in Higher Order Components (Components, that wrap Components to add or alter logic) a separation of logic is achieved in a functional way, not unlike Rails` middleware onion. I make excessive use of the Higher Order Components provided by the React utility belt Recompose that also help in coupling the dom to the states Observable Stream.

Immutable Global State with BaoBab & RxJS

import BaoBab form 'baobab';
import recompose from 'recompose';

// the initial State
let state = new BaoBab({
	posts: [],
	page: 0

// couple the BaoBab event based updateCallback
// with an Observable Stream
let handler = recompose.createEventHandler(state);
  event => handler.handler(event.target)

// create a higher order component
// to wrap react components with
// stateStream updates
let onStateStream = recompose.mapPropsStream(
  props$ => handler.stream.startWith(state)


The state basically is one big immutable Hash that gets passed to the Component (Render) Functions whenever it updates. The keys that didn’t change still have the same object id. So for an unchanged key a

  === newState.get('a')

holds true and components that are guarded by the recompose.pure() Higher Order Component don’t do unnecessary updates. If the value of a part of the tree changes you are garanteed to get a new Object !== the old State. So no expensive deep checking needs to be done (when you use recompose.pure or reacts shallowCompare).

postsCursor =

returns a cursor that can be used to retrieve the value postsCursor.get() as well as trigger a state update postsCursor.set([]). Parts of the State can also be subscribed.

  (posts) => ...

but this is better solved by directly consuming the State Observable Stream.

IDE / Editing

Emacs, what else :D web-mode does a nice job highlighting and aligning ES6 syntax and various template languages like JSX. Also did I find magit to be the best way to use git.


The AJAX library of choice is superagent. When I have to display bigger chunks of text I store these as Markdown Documents and use markdown-to-react-components + webpack file inclusion on build time to pull it them into the app.


I use chimp to run end-to-end tests defined in cucumber scenarios. The nice separation of concerns let’s us easily test the dom independent parts like state and services with yasmine unit tests.

For single page apps I like to write DomInteraction-to-ApiCall & ApiResults-to-DomLayout e2e-tests. Therefore I created a set of cucumber steps to define backend API mocks and ajax expectation inline in the gherkin file. From github/cucumberjs-json-api-mocking:

# The XMLHttpRequest and Response Mocks are
# injected into the browser context. Every
# call now gets intercepted,logged and answered
# if a proper response is defined.
And I start mocking "http://localhost:8000"

# An API request is triggered via the ui
When I input "My fancy new Todo" into the Todo Input
And I press Return

# Expected API behavior can be defined after the request
Then a "post" to "/api/todos" should have happened with:
	"title": "My fancy new Todo",
	"completed": false

# API mocks can also be defined after the request was made
# a loop waits 5 secs before a timeout is triggered.
Given the API responds to the "post" on "/api/todos" with "201":
	"id": 5701886678138880,
	"title": "My fancy new Todo",
	"completed": false

# When we made sure, the app makes the right api calls
# and provide it with backend feedback we can go on
# testing the ui.
Then an active Todo "My fancy new Todo" should be visible