module GraphQL::Schema::Introspection

Direct including types

Defined in:


Constant Summary

INTROSPECTION_TYPES = "\n # A String Value\n scalar String\n\n # A Boolean Value\n scalar Boolean\n\n # An Integer Number\n scalar Int\n\n # A Floating Point Number\n scalar Float\n\n # An ID\n scalar ID\n\n # Optionally includes selection from the result set\n directive @include(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT\n # Optionally excludes selection from the result set\n directive @skip(if: Boolean!) on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT\n # Marks an element of a GraphQL schema as no longer supported.\n directive @deprecated(reason: String = \"No longer supported\") on FIELD_DEFINITION | ENUM_VALUE\n\n type __Schema {\n types: [__Type!]!\n queryType: __Type!\n mutationType: __Type\n subscriptionType: __Type\n directives: [__Directive!]!\n }\n\n type __Type {\n kind: __TypeKind!\n name: String\n description: String\n # OBJECT and INTERFACE only\n fields(includeDeprecated: Boolean = false): [__Field!]\n # OBJECT only\n interfaces: [__Type!]\n # INTERFACE and UNION only\n possibleTypes: [__Type!]\n # ENUM only\n enumValues(includeDeprecated: Boolean = false): [__EnumValue!]\n # INPUT_OBJECT only\n inputFields: [__InputValue!]\n # NON_NULL and LIST only\n ofType: __Type\n }\n\n type __Field {\n name: String!\n description: String\n args: [__InputValue!]!\n type: __Type!\n isDeprecated: Boolean!\n deprecationReason: String\n }\n\n type __InputValue {\n name: String!\n description: String\n type: __Type!\n defaultValue: String\n }\n\n type __EnumValue {\n name: String!\n description: String\n isDeprecated: Boolean!\n deprecationReason: String\n }\n\n type __Directive {\n name: String!\n description: String\n args: [__InputValue!]!\n locations: [__DirectiveLocation!]!\n onOperation: Boolean!\n onFragment: Boolean!\n onField: Boolean!\n }\n\n enum __TypeKind {\n SCALAR\n OBJECT\n INTERFACE\n UNION\n ENUM\n INPUT_OBJECT\n LIST\n NON_NULL\n }\n\n # A Directive can be adjacent to many parts\n # of the GraphQL language, a __DirectiveLocation\n # describes one such possible adjacencies.\n enum __DirectiveLocation {\n # Location adjacent\n # to a query operation\n QUERY\n # Location adjacent to\n # a mutation operation\n MUTATION\n # Location adjacent to\n # a subscription operation\n SUBSCRIPTION\n # Location adjacent to\n # a field\n FIELD\n # Location adjacent to\n # a fragment definition\n FRAGMENT_DEFINITION\n # Location adjacent to\n # a fragment spread\n FRAGMENT_SPREAD\n # Location adjacent to\n # an inline fragment\n INLINE_FRAGMENT\n # Location adjacent to\n # a schema definition\n SCHEMA\n # Location adjacent to\n # a scalar definition\n SCALAR\n # Location adjacent to\n # an object type definition\n OBJECT\n # Location adjacent to\n # a field definition\n FIELD_DEFINITION\n # Location adjacent to\n # an argument definition\n ARGUMENT_DEFINITION\n # Location adjacent to\n # an interface definition\n INTERFACE\n # Location adjacent to\n # a union definition\n UNION\n # Location adjacent to\n # an enum definition\n ENUM\n # Location adjacent to\n # an enum value definition\n ENUM_VALUE\n # Location adjacent to\n # an input object type definition\n INPUT_OBJECT\n # Location adjacent to\n # an input object field definition\n INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION\n }"